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The following testimonials are from an anonymous evaluation survey sent out to current and past clients of Kraken Whips.  Below are comments from that survey.

"She was able to provide personalized feedback, not only during the workout session, but during cooldown, she came by and discussed any issues with each of us individually."



"First fitness service where I didn't feel like I was being shamed or talked down to for not being able to do everything due to my lack of fitness. I enjoyed how Kraken makes you feel OK about what you can do rather than feel bad about what you can't. The supportive and accepting atmosphere made it a wonderful experience."




"She was flexible. In both the physical way and with her scheduling. She felt more like an encouraging friend than an unconcerned coach."

"variety of exercises and personalization of workout for my needs, also trainer's genuine words of encouragement."

"Music was great, pumped us up and kept us moving. Lots of laughing also made for a pleasant experience. I have rarely seen laughing at other gyms, fitness centers, etc. "

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